My goal is to help you Travel Smarter. Enjoy More.
I always look for an opportunity to travel. Sometimes it’s taking a road trip with my wife or piling the five kids into the van for an overnight camping trip. Other times it’s hopping on a plane for a business trip. As I travel, I look for opportunities to see the sights, try new things and create lasting memories.

Who am I?
I’m Jason and I have been writing about photography since 2012 at My foray into travel writing stems from my love of travel and the opportunity to share travel tips with others.
My writing stretches back even further. I’ve worked in public relations for more than 17 years, writing feature stories, news releases, newsletter articles, tweets, social posts, brochure copy and more. I’ve worked in healthcare marketing and communications for 13 years now and have worked with many patients to share their story.
As a result of working with patients, specifically those who have received the gift of life through organ donation, I’m partnering with DonorConnect in Utah to raise funds to help build awareness around organ donation. In fact, in 2023, 50% of all travel guides sold will be donated to DonorConnect. I do hope you’ll register as an organ donor like I have.

I’ve published or contributed to travel articles on, Tips for Family Trips, Kids are a Trip and DQ Family Travel.
I am married to a wonderful woman named Ruth and combined we have five kids. Ruth is always up for a travel adventure and I look forward to any romantic getaway, even if it’s in a tent in one of the many national parks or driving across the country to explore new places.
Our five kids keep us busy, but we love going on adventures as a family. Plane rides with seven people gets a little costly, so family trips are often road trips. But we have had a few opportunities to travel across the country with all five, or with just one kid at a time. We’ve also loved or vacations to Disneyland or Disney World.
Our kids are involved in the adventures, so I’ll find ways to get them involved in the writing, too.

I’m a photographer, so I always carry my camera with me when I travel. I prefer landscapes, but am willing to try my hand at architecture, street photography, or whatever else suits the location. You are welcome to check out my photography blog – complete with photo tutorials – at your convenience.
I love capturing a great scene during my travels, framing it and adding it to my home or office walls. I am sure many people try to do the same, so I’ll incorporate photography tips into some of my blog posts to help you enhance your own skills.