Download the 9/11 Memorial and Museum App
I’ve been to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City twice. The first time was self-guided, meaning I didn’t really know what I was looking at unless I stopped to read a sign. During my second visit, I used the 9/11 Memorial and Museum app I’d downloaded to my iPhone.
If you plan on visiting the museum, here’s why the free app will help you learn the most during your visit.

When to Download the 911 Museum app
Once you get inside the museum, it may be a little challenging to download the app. Wifi isn’t really an option and cell signal may be low. Plus, once you download the app, it may need an update with would use a lot of data to download all those updates.
That was my biggest challenge with the app during my first visit was all the updates. They took so long, I didn’t get to even use the app. I made sure all the updates were made while I was connected to my hotel’s Wifi, then we headed to the museum.
Be sure to use headphones so you don’t interrupt others who are visiting the museum.

Recommended Tours: Witnessing History
There are several tours available on the app. As you begin your tour – just past the information desk, you’ll want to start the Witnessing History tour. It will walk you through an overview of the event, the slurry wall, the survivor stairs, the blue art installation on the wall and many other areas in the main hallways.
The app divides up the tour by sections, allowing you to walk at your own pace. When you complete one audio portion, you can make your way to the next one before starting that portion. Each portion ranges from 1-3 minutes, so you won’t have to stand there for hours on end.

Special Tours: Historical Exhibition – Sept. 11, 2001
The most humbling portion of the entire museum is the September 11, 2001 exhibit. Bring up that tour on your phone and follow the number prompts as you make your way through each minute of that terrifying morning.
The audio tour provides additional insights into what you’re looking at. You’ll hear first-hand accounts recorded from those who experienced it. There are small theaters mixed into this exhibit, so just pull off your headphones to hear the audio in the theater, and resume at your leisure.
Don’t rush through this part of the museum. It’s powerful to see the heroes behind that tragedy, but it’s also terrifying to see some of the artifacts – like a seat belt from one of the airplanes that was found on the ground below the towers.

If there is one place in New York City that I think people should visit, it’s the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. A Broadway show may be second. The audio tour will enhance your visit and make it even more meaningful.
If you’re looking for other things to do while in the Big Apple, here are 12 things to do in New York City.